Paper Sketches into PowerPoint

Turn Paper Sketches into PowerPoint Animations : Step-by-Step

Have you ever wanted to take your hand-drawn Paper Sketches into PowerPoint and give them life through animation? In this tutorial, we’re about to take you on a creative journey that will do just that. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to transform your paper sketches into dynamic animations within PowerPoint.


The art of animation has evolved over the years, but sometimes, the charm of hand-drawn sketches can’t be replaced. Inspired by the work of artist Kate Nielsen, we’re excited to show you a method that allows you to harness your artistic skills on paper and then bring your creations to life using PowerPoint.

Getting Started

Before we dive into the details, let’s watch the video tutorial provided above. It will give you a visual representation of the entire process, making it easier to understand. Once you’re done, you can return here for a step-by-step breakdown of the method.

The Paper-to-PowerPoint Animation Process

  1. Creating Your Art: The process starts with sketching your character or scene on paper. Just like Suhani Kohli, who created an eye-blinking animation, you’ll need to create separate layers for different parts of your animation, such as goggles, eye pupils, eyebrows, and closed eyes.
  2. Digitizing Your Sketch: Take a picture of your paper sketch using your mobile device or scan it. Import the image into your computer and open PowerPoint. Create a new blank presentation with a “Blank” layout.
  3. Inserting and Cropping: Insert your scanned image into the presentation. Crop out any unnecessary parts, ensuring that you only have the essential elements for your animation.
  4. Creating Separate Layers: Since you’ve created separate layers, you’ll need to duplicate your slide for each layer. For example, you’ll have one slide for goggles, another for eye pupils, and so on.
  5. Custom Cropping: To fit the eye pupils perfectly into the eyes without sharp edges, you’ll use the “Freeform Shape” tool in PowerPoint. This will create a custom outline for the pupils. You can follow the same method for other layers like eyebrows and closed eyes.
  6. Creating Different Poses: On different slides, you’ll arrange these layers to represent different poses. This is where the magic happens. You’ll create slides for the left eye pupil, closed eyes, right eye pupil, and more.
  7. Setting Up the Animation: Select all the slides and head to the “Transitions” tab. Configure the slides to advance automatically with a specified duration for each slide. In the tutorial, a one-second duration was used for each slide.
  8. Infinite Loop: If you want your animation to loop continuously, you can set this up as well. This will ensure your animation plays in an endless loop.
  9. Export as GIF: To share your creation, you can export the presentation as a GIF file. This will allow you to showcase your animation on various platforms.


By following this method, you can bring your hand-drawn sketches to life with ease. The combination of traditional art and digital technology creates a unique and visually captivating animation. The infinite looping option and the ability to export as a GIF add extra charm to your creation.

We hope you found this idea both interesting and informative. Don’t forget to like, share, and comment on the video tutorial to let us know your thoughts. Subscribe to our channel to stay updated on upcoming tutorials and unleash your creativity with PowerPoint.

Thank you for watching, and have a great day!

Download Eye Blinking Animation – Paper Sketched into PowerPoint Animation PPT

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